
Showing posts from 2006
There is nothing wrong with IT BUT................ I have been thinking of this for a loong time, finally thought not to procrastinate anymore. I have been in this booming industry for almost 2.5 years now and so find myself eligible to comment on the same without any hesitation (infact it seems that I am senior in my project,see that’s what IT does to experience). But before proceeding further, I just want to give a disclaimer that the situation is as I perceive it and with respect to India ,especially Indian companies and more with respect to maintenance and testing aspect of IT and not all are my personal experiences(some are). So now that I have made amends for possible back slashes and fight backs on the situation, I hope to write my feelings without guilt of hurting anyone. Imagine this situation, especially during appraisal time: " You can not be given more than this since 1.You didn’t do any value additions for the client... 2.You didnt do any 'more'certifications
Is idle mind a devil’s workshop? Everybody knows or at least believes that they know what it means. But I feel it depends on what you think is idle. Some four months back I was literally jobless (I was getting paid after tax in my office for doing some mundane unmentionable stuffs) and I think that’s being idle (since it was mechanical and I think being mechanical is like a machine which doesn’t think and hence idle and not the figurative idleness of a machine which will rust without movement).Anyway ,the point being, I thought I was wasting my life and so started writing my thoughts on MSWord( since stationary is not provided in my office to help in cost cutting) and really felt happy after typing my thoughts and my mind was really working fine churning out ideas on all themes . So I concluded that being idle (with no innovation being done) helps you to think a lot and thus makes you creative. To be clear, being idle makes one want for more and thus end up being creative. But to steer
Democracy...................... I always fail to understand democracy, i read in my civil textbooks of yester years that its a system of government for the people,by the people and etc etc.I am not sure if they have changed any definitions as yet.When thousands and thousands of people(educated and necessay citizens of india at that), protesting against a proposal initiated to give admissions on higher learning centers by the caste into which they were born into, are not given any respect,how can we call ourselves democratic? Is the voice of one 'peoples representative' more final than the voice one million people affected by his voice? Shouldnt the original drafters of the constitution have considered the contigency of these representatives not passing any laws agaisnt themselves?If they can pass laws according to their whims and fancies, i feel we should take a referendum for important policy decisions to be voted by non-political ordinary citizens with intellegence.I know, he
It’s not easy to say NO..... Its not wise to sit lazily when 'opportunity' is knocking at the door, its a good adage but it doesn’t take into account the fact that, what if opportunity is knocking at two or three different doors at different corners and you have just milli-seconds left to decide which door to proceed to before it stops knocking and goes away.... There lies the difficulty in predicting, what sharp turns can occur in your life, one is invariably confused regarding what lies behind which door and which knock should not be left unanswered.... Most of the time, we find ourselves bored stiff because of the mundane work(applies to those who think they are doing mundane stuffs) we are doing and apply for two or three things, thinking that even if one of them gets by your side ,we will feel happy and different. But the biggest problem which can occur is when these completely different chances knock in the name of opportunity at the same time and that is where the diffi
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Reservation will defeat the Cause We want to defeat any good system prevalent, I think it is politically incorrect to have any system which is almost perfect or which is straight forward. Like any right minded, sane Indian I want my country to become great and a country most definitely doesn’t become great by claiming to be one. Promoting deserving students to better position by providing opportunities for them is one sure step to achieve a goal of being great. Till now, everyone around look up to a person passed out from IITs and IIMs. Its not just because they pass out from an institution named 'IIT' and 'IIM',it is because those institutes are known for their quality of training and student body and the public knowledge that only meritorious candidates after tough competition are selected to become a deserving candidate. If the government thinks they are going to pull the country to greater heights by bringing in 'Quotas' here too, I think it is a very bad mo
Every Night @ the call centers....... I read in the Hindu that One night @ the call center by Chetan bhagat( I am not sure if the name is with or without an 'h') is selling hot like the latest pirated CDs. From the review I gather that the author is not for the call centers.....I completely agree to that line of thought. Its bad in the sense that too much of a mass exodus to call centers will eventually play havoc with the way the youth of the country think and act intellectually .Even those who are for the call centers will not deny to themselves that its not much of an intelligent exercise. Think alternating your way of life every second week.You get up in the 'Indian' morning some days thinking its the best thing that happened to you in the last one month,since before that you might have gone to office when everyone else in your home goes to sleep.Probably you might get some compensatory allowance for that, but I feel that is just peanuts for a starving traveler in a
My School Teachers..... I think teachers,good dedicated teachers at that are the most wonderful people ever.... My teachers in D.A.V ,for instance ,were the best guides in my school life and of course that influences the life after school.I got the passion to read,write and think from them . Met my teacher Ms.Sumitra recently, who made Social Sciences as my favourite subject,when other students else where in the world ( atleast in India for sure)found it extremely tiring ,she made it refreshingly interesting. True, most of us don't pursue social science as a career,but you get to think of the pros and cons in everything you do ,from the mistakes made by the ancestors.Also, if students can like the 'dry' subjects , its even more good for them to deal with tougher subjects. Even if the student eventually goes into a lucrative field and earns more than his teacher,the confidence and the ability was necessarily nutured in the person by a good teacher. My teachers were no except
Is Tamil Nadu over abudant in qualified engineers and doctors ??? First the TNPCEE was scraped; apparently it seems,it's a overburden for the children . Any thoughtful student would definitely disagree with it,as ,if they are deemed to be fragile to face competition in the form of entrance exams,how can the same set of people go on to study life saving sciences with a stress filled career. The ever-loving benefactors of the students, in the form of politicians, consider the young minds incapable of facing healthy competition in the form of the single point of evaluation which was hailed as a perfect system for almost the past one decade, which made doctors and engineers out of middle class families who before this system where cruelly left out of race for the reason of money, principally the reason for the introduction of TNPCEE. Well I think the betrayal will continue henceforth unhindered...... Another great feature of this 'quintessential' scrapping of the exams is, stud
Hi.... People have opinions,but not all of us are able to air them and suppression of views is dangerous if you are passionate about them,since it will ruin your belief about your place in the cosmic game!!!!