
Showing posts from October, 2008
PART II I got this weird thought while on a conference call, the conversation goes like this: "Meow" "Is that your kitty?” "Oh yeah, he is a sweet little kitty and he wants my attention fully but occasionally I need to work on my computer while working from home, unfortunately" "I understand" Try to translate the same thing to India. I am not even able to translate this scenario. I guess we can do with raising more pets back in India. That way I think we can reduce our population and it will generate more job opportunity. Together with the rising number of child care centers, we can do with more pet care centers, pet motels, pet fitness centers, pet care products and what not. Another upside being, students need not struggle to keep just the human population hale and healthy, we can make vet nary science popular too. Also, if there were more pets in India, the job opportunities will be more varied than here, for example, more cleaning service(since we