
Showing posts from May, 2008
OF Icons and Fans.... Recently everyone from TamilNadu talks about “CBSE” itself, mentioning an extract regarding Rajini(pasting the same above). It just set me thinking and no offence to anyone. The forwards say something like “An abstract of the early life of Our Super Star Rajinikanth's has been included in the syllabus of 6th standard school children….. Note that, it's not in the state board syllabus, but CBSE Central board syllabus, under the heading 'Dignity of Work'……………….” Well for at least two things I find this interesting. One is the stress on “CBSE” syllabus itself mentioning about Rajini and the second thing is the title was not “Rajini” but “dignity of work” and just because Rajini is mentioned there, people associate the two, completely ignoring the other character in the passage, just like the movie “chandramukhi” I don’t dislike Rajini but at the same time, just because he appears somewhere, I don’t like the undue credit given to him, I feel Rajini hims