
Showing posts from February, 2006
My School Teachers..... I think teachers,good dedicated teachers at that are the most wonderful people ever.... My teachers in D.A.V ,for instance ,were the best guides in my school life and of course that influences the life after school.I got the passion to read,write and think from them . Met my teacher Ms.Sumitra recently, who made Social Sciences as my favourite subject,when other students else where in the world ( atleast in India for sure)found it extremely tiring ,she made it refreshingly interesting. True, most of us don't pursue social science as a career,but you get to think of the pros and cons in everything you do ,from the mistakes made by the ancestors.Also, if students can like the 'dry' subjects , its even more good for them to deal with tougher subjects. Even if the student eventually goes into a lucrative field and earns more than his teacher,the confidence and the ability was necessarily nutured in the person by a good teacher. My teachers were no except
Is Tamil Nadu over abudant in qualified engineers and doctors ??? First the TNPCEE was scraped; apparently it seems,it's a overburden for the children . Any thoughtful student would definitely disagree with it,as ,if they are deemed to be fragile to face competition in the form of entrance exams,how can the same set of people go on to study life saving sciences with a stress filled career. The ever-loving benefactors of the students, in the form of politicians, consider the young minds incapable of facing healthy competition in the form of the single point of evaluation which was hailed as a perfect system for almost the past one decade, which made doctors and engineers out of middle class families who before this system where cruelly left out of race for the reason of money, principally the reason for the introduction of TNPCEE. Well I think the betrayal will continue henceforth unhindered...... Another great feature of this 'quintessential' scrapping of the exams is, stud
Hi.... People have opinions,but not all of us are able to air them and suppression of views is dangerous if you are passionate about them,since it will ruin your belief about your place in the cosmic game!!!!