
Showing posts from 2008
PART II I got this weird thought while on a conference call, the conversation goes like this: "Meow" "Is that your kitty?” "Oh yeah, he is a sweet little kitty and he wants my attention fully but occasionally I need to work on my computer while working from home, unfortunately" "I understand" Try to translate the same thing to India. I am not even able to translate this scenario. I guess we can do with raising more pets back in India. That way I think we can reduce our population and it will generate more job opportunity. Together with the rising number of child care centers, we can do with more pet care centers, pet motels, pet fitness centers, pet care products and what not. Another upside being, students need not struggle to keep just the human population hale and healthy, we can make vet nary science popular too. Also, if there were more pets in India, the job opportunities will be more varied than here, for example, more cleaning service(since we
Being in America-Part I I got a really funny forward regarding America not knowing what "the rest of the world" means. I think that is 100% correct accounting for the fact that even some Indians forget India when they come here. I remember fighting for a pot of water during my board exams near the metro water lorry near my house in madras and now I see sprinklers running even when it is raining near my house here. Of course, one can not help it, if there is lots of water. All the same, I was wondering how one part of the world thinks there is no other parts existing in this world. I mean, I can not be writing all kinds of facts that I know of, here, then it might get too personal and it’s not needed as long as the meaning is conveyed. I will just write some common things I notice here and of course take it with a pinch of humour if you like America and as a sad state of affair if you hate America. It’s left in your hands. I had an Indian friend here complaining about the gaso
OF Icons and Fans.... Recently everyone from TamilNadu talks about “CBSE” itself, mentioning an extract regarding Rajini(pasting the same above). It just set me thinking and no offence to anyone. The forwards say something like “An abstract of the early life of Our Super Star Rajinikanth's has been included in the syllabus of 6th standard school children….. Note that, it's not in the state board syllabus, but CBSE Central board syllabus, under the heading 'Dignity of Work'……………….” Well for at least two things I find this interesting. One is the stress on “CBSE” syllabus itself mentioning about Rajini and the second thing is the title was not “Rajini” but “dignity of work” and just because Rajini is mentioned there, people associate the two, completely ignoring the other character in the passage, just like the movie “chandramukhi” I don’t dislike Rajini but at the same time, just because he appears somewhere, I don’t like the undue credit given to him, I feel Rajini hims
Sometimes I wonder.... Why I wish things were different if I can not change anything or at least something. I read this book called " The onion: Our dumb World, Atlas of Planet Earth", There is of course an online link for this too ( ) check it out if you want. It is hilarious but hurts. In that book, the introduction to the western world or for that matter for anyone who just knows India as just another country in these endless borders of the world is that it is dirty with all capital letters. I found it really true though hard to accept in front of others. Our Country is Extremely Dirty and everyone contributes to it and thinks India is not as great or as clean as Singapore or USA and the best part is some people start arguing that USA is not all that clean. We are missing the point there. Whether USA is clean or not, India is definitely not and No one cares or thinks it is a big issue. Honestly, I don’t even put a bus ticket on the roa
Its history.... Today, was talking about some incidents which i read in history with couple of my friends and they don't seem to have heard on the same , but hey they were part of lessons for any kind of board you take in India.Not that they weren't interested by the topic, they found it interesting enough,but then why did not they, either remember reading about them or missed reading the same? It is not that no one is interested in the past, if you ask me since we can not know about the future,at least knowing the past covers two of the three tenses and also your virtual exposure to expanse of the time in the universe,after all universe was created in the past,so it is history besides science. I have also noticed lots of people taking pride in saying that they did not like history in their school and complaining that it is just a memory game.But I don't seem to remember any dates but i do remember some interesting incidents that i read and trust me, people, who hate histo