
Showing posts from March, 2006
Every Night @ the call centers....... I read in the Hindu that One night @ the call center by Chetan bhagat( I am not sure if the name is with or without an 'h') is selling hot like the latest pirated CDs. From the review I gather that the author is not for the call centers.....I completely agree to that line of thought. Its bad in the sense that too much of a mass exodus to call centers will eventually play havoc with the way the youth of the country think and act intellectually .Even those who are for the call centers will not deny to themselves that its not much of an intelligent exercise. Think alternating your way of life every second week.You get up in the 'Indian' morning some days thinking its the best thing that happened to you in the last one month,since before that you might have gone to office when everyone else in your home goes to sleep.Probably you might get some compensatory allowance for that, but I feel that is just peanuts for a starving traveler in a