
Showing posts from 2011
Just an interesting quote,it is one of those quotes that makes you say "so true" I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them. ~Mark Twain
Going Green...Back to Basics... It has been a really long time since I wrote in my blog, so my English could be a little rustic and out of sync with the intention of my thoughts but still I guess there is nothing wrong in trying. I took a paper called “Green Management”, though I was skeptical on the breadth of the content, I was glad to know that there was much more to it than just the mostly failed green talks and Al gore videos. It talks about how corporations from developed economies mostly are taking accountability on a product even after its useful life cycle, it seems you can recycle your jeans and Nike shoes after you no longer use it. That is a good thing but they do most of their manufacturing in Asian countries like China and India and with no proper implementation of pollution related laws, it seems like these countries “produce” more green house gases and thus contribute heavily towards global warming. It had other measures and initiatives taken in a more corporate/policy