Big Boss Season 4 :Happy to have wasted my time on this !!! :)

I am seeing this season of Big Boss Tamil S4 from the very week as a very objective, observant and unbiased viewer. I understand that it is just a TV show at the end of the day, but it is also a microcosm of society and life in general, I did not even know half the people in that show since I do not follow Tamil cinema/TV industry to a level of an average Tamil person. My General Knowledge in that area is pretty abysmal. Yet, I became an Aari fan in the course of the show and did not start out as one. My aim is not to belittle others but just to celebrate this human who exhibited the qualities that is very much needed to go through life.

Someone think why people are crazy of him, the contestants are not able to comprehend why people love him, and they are not even able to accept that many people love him (more than 50% of the votes were for him at the very least for a fact). If you do want to understand why this might be so, just see the show from a birds eye view without bias and it is not such a difficult task to understand.

Some contestants were fashionable, some were sweet, some were loving but very few were unbiased and honest.

It is not extraordinary to be fashionable. But that is what most celebrities think they are there for.

It is important to love, but love without honesty, love for only selected people is not what is meant by "love is god"

Love is extraordinary when you can show it as respect for others, do not back bite, do not mock and treat everyone with respect that is love as well.

Honesty, Integrity, Decency, Discipline and Courage in a place which just throws insults and hatred is beyond Extraordinary.

Learned quite a few things from a seeing a commercial television for the first time.

If one wants a comedy show, there are plenty of them out there. So lacking "entertainment" in reality is not a big mistake compared to making fun of others, smiling at the wrong times that hurts others, back biting, insulting someone just cause they are "boring" and not "fun”, being insensitive to someone alone.

. If it is scripted, then someone is pretty stupid to play the bad guy in a "reality" show. If it is not scripted, then wow, it showcased the amazing strength of a single person against a group which treated him with so much distaste.

It is important to appreciate honesty even if it involves making your "friends" uncomfortable. It is one thing to talk in front and completely a bad taste if you do the same behind someone.

So Aari was boring for the other contestants who are happy go lucky and just want to enjoy life. He is boring for people who just want to have fun. He is irritating for people who do not like to hear a different perspective to their actions. He is definitely boring to someone who does not have the patience to listen.

But this guy is a gem to people who value honesty. He is extraordinary to have the girth to undergo the pain of being rejected for friendships since he is straight forward. It is easy to smile in front and grimace and comment in the back. He did not do that at any point. That in itself is something that everyone should learn.

So not naming names, one contestant in the show says that she does not understand why he has this kind of fan following, for her I think life has a different meaning and has difficulty perceiving truth.

But I am happy, like the crores of others that Aari won, because it is so reassuring to know that, from the point of view someone objective, for someone uninvolved in the actual situation, honesty and courage is a wonderful quality, something only few can have.

It is very easy to love your friends if you just decide to, but it is extremely uncomfortable to be honest without back biting, extremely difficult.

He might be a social activist outside but that was not the reason for his win. He won since he was a good human when faced with unfairness, biased people who were focused on belittling him given the opportunity just because he was straight forward and did not please them.

If you are after fake smiles, judgemental friendships, pretty outsides, lack patience to listen, he might not be a great contestant. But if you are looking for something deep, he makes sense.

I am not saying the others are bad in the show, they were good to their friends, they were mean to people they did not like, they did not hurt their friends, they just hurt others whom they did not like, they were funny and light-hearted, they did not like serious talks, they want to take life easy, they were human and that is alright. But they should be inclusive and non-judgemental to someone else who is not exactly that. That is alright too. If they had that one quality then one of them would have been the winner. But they were not and hence they are not the winner.

If Aari is exactly the kind of man he was in the show, then he is someone who is an extraordinary example for how a human should be. I am ok if he does not have sarcasm and “fun”. He has qualities more difficult to possess, much more heart-warming and beautiful.

It is just an irony and pity that I did not know of him because of his social activism but only through a TV show. Celebration of Aari is celebration of everyone who is honest in real life even amidst people who hate them. It is wonderful for people like him to know that old fashioned and “boring” qualities that he represents are still what is sought after even if not popular.






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